
Anti-Methanogenic Feed Supplement “Harit Dhara”

The adverse impact of climate change on agriculture including livestock is been evidenced everywhere in the world. Livestock production is interlinked with climate change in two ways. At one hand, livestock production contributes significantly to the greenhouse gas emission while on the other hand, it is a sufferer of the adverse impact of climate change. Livestock production is one of the major sources for methane emission in the surrounding atmosphere and almost 90 million metric tonnes is being emitted annually from the enteric fermentation. Methane, a greenhouse gas, is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in trapping radiating heat in the atmosphere. Apart from its significance in global warming, enteric methane emission also accounts for a substantial loss of biological energy which otherwise could be utilized by the animal for different productive functions like milk production and growth rate. A recent estimate of ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore suggest that about 9.25 million metric tonnes enteric methane are being emitted by the Indian livestock annually. Due to the vital role of methanogenesis in the rumen, its complete inhibition is neither possible nor practically feasible. However, a partial inhibition (20-25%) of enteric methanogenesis is possible without any interference with the normal rumen function. The partial inhibition of enteric methanogenesis will have the dual advantage of stabilizing the global warming process and enhancing productivity by recanalization of saved biological energy. Considering the necessity, ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore after conducting decade long comprehensive and systematic research activities, has developed a product (Harit Dhara) under ICAR sponsored research project entitled “Estimation of methane emission under different feeding systems and development of mitigation strategies”. This product has been tested and validated for the desirable enteric methane reduction in cattle, buffalo & sheep without any adversity to their health and productivity. Technology Details:
Daily use of Harit Dhara in adult cattle & buffalo reduces the greenhouse gas emission substantially to the tune of 700 liters CO₂-eq per day from the adult animal. In addition to the environmental benefit of making the earth green and clean, the use of Harit Dhara would lead to monetary benefits to the stakeholders from lactating cattle & buffalo by converting the saved energy to the productive functions. Thus, the feeding of Harit Dhara to animals is beneficial from both the environmental and monetary aspects by increasing animal production.